Are round-trip container charges on your ocean contracts getting out of hand? Could your outbound shipments to customers be improved for turnaround and timeliness? It may be time to consider a transloading strategy. Today’s savvy shippers don’t always have to use...
The velocity of today’s supply chains, compressed product cycles, SKU proliferation and mass customization requirements make it difficult to keep up with production. Manufacturers are challenged with making optimal use of labor resources and plant space, while...
Complex fulfillment needs, less predictability in business and seasonal operations are just a few reasons why companies outsource their warehousing and distribution center (DC) operations. New channels or product lines may cause you to require a 3PL for warehousing...
With increasing pressure to reduce costs, understand new regulations, and deliver products faster, there’s no doubt there are a lot of issues shippers have to deal with in the management and execution of today’s supply chain. Today’s shippers need relief as well as...
The truckload (TL) market was never an early adopter of technology when it comes to booking, bidding and freight management. Now collaborative cloud-based applications which manage freight on a real-time basis allow access by more parties in the supply chain, and TL...
Let’s face it, people do business with individuals and companies that treat them well and with those they like. In transportation, relationships between shippers and their various carriers and vendors hasn’t always been easy. In recent years, however, industry...